Liquid rearing diet
For fry of egg-laying aquarium fish
Complete nutrition
from 59€ of purchase*
for 14 days
VISA, Mastercard
Ultra-fine homogenate of over 50 natural ingredients Nutritious, easy to digest and ideal growth thanks to brine shrimp components.
Ideal feeding conditions for young fish which are too small for powder food.
No water clouding: reduced algae growth thanks to balanced phosphate content, better water quality due to better digestibility of the food, which reduces fish excrement.
Fish would choose JBL food: 98.5% of all fish species immediately ate the JBL food during our freshwater research expeditions.
50 ultra-fine natural nutrients processed to liquid.
Package contents: NovoNobilFluid with Artemia, rearing diet for fry of egg-laying aquarium fish species.