Nymphaea 'Joey Tomocik'  - 1

Nymphaea 'Joey Tomocik'

VAT included
  • Soil: water plant
  • Colour: yellow
  • Exposure: sunny
  • Flowering time: June to October
  • Ornamental flowering: yes
  • Foliage: deciduous
  • Size: 15 x 150 cm
  • Density: 3/m²
  • Depth: -50 to -70 cm


from 59€ of purchase*


for 14 days


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How to plant?

  • In an artificial pond:
    We recommend a basket size 26x35x35;
    Use a special potting soil for aquatic plants.

  • In a natural pond or stream:
    Simply make a hole in the mud and plant your Nymphea directly into it;
    Take care to remove the plastic pot.

When to plant?
Between mid-April and mid-October.
Ideally when the water temperature is between 12°C and 25°C.

Shipment of packages containing plants to France: Monday to Tuesday.

Packages containing plants for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg are sent from Monday to Wednesday.

For all orders placed between Wednesday and Sunday, the plants will be shipped the following week to guarantee the freshness of the plants.

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