In this category, find everything you need for your freshwater aquariums. AquaBota has a varied catalogue with the best price/quality ratio, from food to filters and decorations.
Liquid fertilizerContains nitrogen and phosphorusFor fast growing and demanding plantsContains iron, magnesium and essential micro-nutrientsFor aquariums with fast growing plants
Nitrogen and phosphorus free liquid fertiliser6 mL per 50 L of water per weekEasy to dose with the pumpEnsures good plant growth
The gentlest way to treat algae.
Liquid fertilizerSupplies potassium
Liquid fertiliserSupplies nitrogen
Liquid fertilizerSupplies iron
Liquid fertilizerSupplies trace elements
Liquid fertilizerSupplies potassium
360° water conditionerRemoves chlorine and chloraminesDetoxifies heavy metals, ammonia, nitrites and nitratesContains soothing aloe vera extractDose: 1ml per 60LTreats 12,000 litresPump not included
Especially effective algae control for BBA, hair/string/fuzz and most forms of filamentous algaeGently biodegrades completely
All-in-one fertilizerMore intense coloursLess algae
Product available with different options
All-in-one fertilizerMore intense coloursLess algae
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