
Complete nutritionIdeal growth and vibrant colours for predatory cichlids from Lake Tanganyika and Lake MalawiCarotenoids enhance vibrant colours
Sinking chips For omnivorous and carnivorous fish From North and South America fish
Complete nutrition,Ideal growthVibrant coloursFor discus
Complete nutrition,Ideal growthVibrant coloursFor discus

Flora Scape Phospho P

Easy-Life Potassium is an essential macronutrient and is at least as important as iron!
Sinking chips Multi-ingredient For large cichlids from Lake Tanganyika

Malawi Chips

Multi-ingredient food Sinking chips For Malawi cichlids of the mbuna group and other herbivorous cichlids
Water Conditioners

JBL Denitrol

For aquarium water to suit both fish and plantsWhen setting up a new aquarium, water changes and after fish diseasesFor freshwater and saltwater aquariumsFor turtle and shrimp tanks 
Bacteria / Water conditioner

Biotopond JBL

Water conditioner
Reliable removal of algae nutrient phosphate from the pond waterFor pond water to suit both fish and plants
Showing 97-120 of 137 item(s)